Flowplayer is now part of the Wowza Video live streaming and VOD platform. Learn more →

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Managing Workspaces

In order to create new Workspaces, you need to be an organization admin If you're a Workspace admin, you can manage settings, categories and player tokens within your Workspace.

Organization admin

Creating a new workspace

Click on the plus sign at the bottom of the workspace list and follow the guide.

Create new workspace

You will be asked

  1. To give it a descriptive name and optionally the url to your site.
  2. To set the defaults for various aspects. See also the Workspace settings docs.
  3. To add custom metadata fields if you wish. See also the Workspace settings docs.

Workspace name

Workspace settings

Workspace custom fields

Before completing, you will be presented with a summary.

Workspace summary

Once creation is completed, you can add the Workspace to existing user accounts or invite new users . See also the user management documentation.

Deleting a Workspace

If you want to delete a Workspace, please contact support.

Editing a Workspace

  1. Switch to the workspace you want to edit by clicking its icon in the Workspace list.
  2. Click on your user name in the sidebar to open the dropdown menu
  3. Click on Settings under the Workspace section

Go to Settings